
  • Vice, A Star is Born Lead 2019 Golden Globe Nominations

    by - Dec 7, 2018
    The Beverly Hilton’s main lobby was decked out in red and gold with a tall green artificial tree, hallways on each side with white and silver holiday decorations. Yet the only thing remotely like a Christmas tree...
  • The Baffling Failure of Fallout 76

    by - Dec 6, 2018
    Now is the time that I wanted to be able bring the world of Bethesda’s incredible “Fallout” series of games to readers who may be unfamiliar with it. At its best, these games are ingenious journeys...
  • Mary Queen of Scots

    by - Dec 6, 2018
    In many interpretations of her story, Mary Queen of Scots was a woman who wanted power and love and ended up with neither. And although this tragedy played out on one of the largest stages of...
  • The World is Yours in Hitman 2

    by - Dec 5, 2018
    We’ve written a lot here at about video games that owe a great deal to film. The idea is to illuminate the commonality between the two mediums that seem to be influencing each other more...
  • Tyrel

    by - Dec 5, 2018
    R.E.M.’s “Losing My Religion” plays over the end credits of “Tyrel,” but a better song would have been Peggy Lee’s “Is That All There Is?” I’ve seen far worse movies this year, but I’ve not seen...
  • The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel Maintains its Wonder in Season Two

    by - Dec 4, 2018
    The camera spends a lot of time spinning in “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.” It spins through elegant department stores and down wide boulevards; it reels from room to room of a gorgeous apartment and between the...
  • Short Films in Focus: My Dead Dad’s Porno Tapes

    by - Dec 4, 2018
    This is my 50th Short Films In Focus piece for this site and I’m guessing I have lots of new readers and clicks this month. Welcome! What brings you here? Do you suddenly have a newfound...
  • A Writer Watches Roma in Mexico City

    by - Dec 3, 2018
    Alfonso Cuarón’s “Roma” deals with a typical family of the Roma neighborhood of Mexico City of the early 1970s during a period when their absent, philandering father abandons them. The film is told through the eyes...
  • The Unloved, Part 60: The 15:17 to Paris

    by - Dec 3, 2018
    There have been rumblings about Clint Eastwood retiring from filmmaking, which has me conflicted: I’ve been a fan of his acting and direction since I was about 15, even though my relationship to his direction has...
  • The Possession of Hannah Grace

    by - Dec 1, 2018
    The makers of “The Possession of Hannah Grace” clearly intended for it to be dark. After all, it’s about an exorcism that goes horribly wrong, resulting in further mayhem months later at a morgue. But they...