
  • Ingmar Bergman’s Cinema is an Essential Blu-ray Release

    by - Nov 30, 2018
    I’ve struggled with how to start writing about Criterion’s release of “Ingmar Bergman’s Cinema.” How does one begin to wrap their arms around the career of a master? And, make no mistake, this is a career-defining...
  • 30 Minutes On: “Beautiful Boy”

    by - Nov 30, 2018
    “Beautiful Boy,” starring Timothée Chalamet as drug-addicted teenager Nic Sheff and Steve Carell as his journalist father David, is a harrowing movie, especially for parents. In contrast to a lot of stories about characters falling into...
  • Home Entertainment Consumer Guide: November 29, 2018

    by - Nov 29, 2018
    7 NEW TO NETFLIX “Buybust””De Palma””Green Room””Into the Forest””Jiro Dreams of Sushi””Krisha””The Workshop” 7 NEW TO BLU-RAY/DVD “2001” (4K) For a very long time, it felt like if you had a DVD player, it was required...
  • Happy as Lazzaro

    by - Nov 29, 2018
    For a movie that mines its most startling jolt out of the concept of time, there is a knowing and ironic sense of timelessness to Alice Rohrwacher’s exquisite pastoral fable “Happy As Lazzaro.” When it unassumingly...
  • Sundance 2019 Announces Competition, Premiere, Midnight Titles and More

    by - Nov 29, 2018
    Last year’s Sundance Film Festival launched movies like “Sorry to Bother You,” “Hereditary,” “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” “Leave No Trace,” “Wildlife,” “On Her Shoulders,” “Eighth Grade,” “Mandy,” “Shirkers” and so much more. So it’s with...
  • Two Popular Shooters Distinguish Legacies with New Releases

    by - Nov 28, 2018
    Coke vs. Pepsi. The Beatles vs. The Rolling Stones. The Cubs vs. The White Sox. Rivalries fuel so much of pop culture, often helping both halves of the debate by thrusting them so regularly into the...
  • Oscar-nominated Doc The War at Home Returns to Chicago in 4K Restoration

    by - Nov 28, 2018
    This Friday marks the Chicago run of “The War at Home,” the 1979 documentary about the antiwar movement in Madison, WI during the Vietnam War. Directed by Glenn Silber and Barry Alexander Brown, the film has...
  • Syfy’s George R. R. Martin Series Nightflyers is a High-Budget Misfire

    by - Nov 27, 2018
    How do networks like FX and Syfy compete with streaming services like Netflix and Amazon? The inherent difference in the two models is obvious in that shows on Netflix can be binged over a weekend while...
  • A Tribute to Olivia, the Scene-Stealing Dog of Widows

    by - Nov 27, 2018
    There’s a moment, toward the end of “Widows,” right before the climactic heist, when we check in on the members of our titular crew before they don their black masks and holster their Glock .9mms. It’s...
  • Bernardo Bertolucci: 1941-2018

    by - Nov 27, 2018
    Visual sumptuousness was a means and also an end in the cinema of Bernardo Bertolucci, who has died after a battle with lung cancer. He had lost the use of his legs around 2003, when his...