
  • The Mule

    by - Dec 14, 2018
    Clint Eastwood’s “The Mule,” which he directed and stars in, is based on the incredible true story of an octogenarian who became an unlikely drug mule, transporting staggering amounts of cocaine for a major Mexican drug...
  • Mortal Engines

    by - Dec 14, 2018
    How did this truly crummy movie get made? I have a theory. Co-producers Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh, who once upon a time could put together a motion picture that was engaging, coherent, entertaining, and even...
  • Monica Castillo’s Top Ten Films of 2018

    by - Dec 14, 2018
    As much as I like putting together these year-end lists, I also somewhat dread them. I always change my mind after sending them in, always want to fit in one more movie and worry that my...
  • Peter Sobczynski’s Top Ten Films of 2018

    by - Dec 14, 2018
    There are many lists of the best films of 2018 out there at this moment. This, needless to say, is the correct one. Granted, there are still a couple of end-of-year titles that I have not...
  • Brian Tallerico’s Top Ten Films of 2018

    by - Dec 13, 2018
    It’s that time of year when critics take a look at dozens of different pieces of art and try to put them in the same box. There’s something inherently odd about pitting films against each other, but...
  • Bird Box

    by - Dec 13, 2018
    Last year, Netflix dropped the high-budget “Bright” just before the holidays and it turned out to be a pretty massive sci-fi hit for the company, even if critics hated it. So, apparently, futuristic action movies are...
  • Christy Lemire’s Top Ten Films of 2018

    by - Dec 13, 2018
    It’s a great privilege of the gig, yet it’s always such an agonizing process. How do you choose just 10 great films each year? And how do you rank them? I went with the ones that...
  • Matt Fagerholm’s Top Ten Films of 2018

    by - Dec 13, 2018
    For dutiful film critics preparing to mark their ballots, the final months of the year are nothing less than a cinematic avalanche. Studios do everything in their power to entice us into viewing their most prized...
  • Simon Abrams’ Top Ten Films of 2018

    by - Dec 12, 2018
    The year is 2018 AD and the world is that much closer to ending. You can always find fear and paranoia at the movies, but this year’s bumper crop feels different. Many of the best films of...
  • Once Upon a Deadpool

    by - Dec 12, 2018
    Once upon a time, the producers of a little film called “Saturday Night Fever” realized that even though it was making tons of money, its “R” rating meant that those poor unfortunate souls who lacked a fake ID,...