
  • On the Basis of Sex

    by - Dec 20, 2018
    The university’s victory song extols the triumph of the Harvard men, as a sea of dark suits and wingtip shoes walk up the law school’s steps. There is one turquoise dress, one pair of stockings with...
  • Mary Poppins Returns

    by - Dec 19, 2018
    I don’t envy the filmmaker remaking or creating a sequel to a beloved classic children’s story. Yet numerous directors and stars are lining up for this latest craze, and especially the people over at Disney. Starting...
  • The Great Performances of 2018

    by - Dec 19, 2018
    It was a year of unforgettable faces, one we’ve known for decades and one we’re just getting to know this year. As we do at the end of every year, we asked our writers to pick...
  • Penny Marshall: 1943-2018

    by - Dec 19, 2018
    To some, she was the co-star of one of the most popular sitcoms of its era and a familiar face/voice on any number of shows over the years. To others, she was a trailblazing filmmaker who...
  • Fanfare for a Fighter: The History and Evolution of the Rocky Theme

    by - Dec 18, 2018
    The point of a music score is to illustrate what’s going on in a character’s head and in their heart. This is why when we hear Bernard Herrmann’s “Psycho” strings we immediately feel panic; when we listen...
  • The Villain is You: Ralph Breaks the Internet and the Evolution of the Disney Villain

    by - Dec 18, 2018
    Growing up during ‘90s Disney Renaissance, one of my family’s favorite cassettes tapes to listen to as we drove to and from school every morning was a collection of Disney villain songs. There was something deliciously...
  • Video: Paweł Pawlikowski on Cold War, the Film’s Personal History and More

    by - Dec 17, 2018
    “Cold War” isn’t particularly interested in the specifics of its metaphorical underpinnings. That work’s been done. Instead, it shows the look in a man’s eyes as he gazes at the woman he loves and knows that he’s brought...
  • Cold War

    by - Dec 17, 2018
    Unattainable desire hurts deeply, scars permanently and like in “Casablanca,” “Passionate Friends” and countless others, makes for some of film history’s most swoon-worthy stories of passion. An aching film on such exquisite pains of impossible love,...
  • The Individual Top Tens of 2018

    by - Dec 15, 2018
    We’ve been releasing the top ten lists of our regular critics all week, and wanted to bring in the rest of our incredibly talented contributors, providing an overview of the entire year of film. There are...
  • Sheila O’Malley’s Top Ten Films of 2018

    by - Dec 15, 2018
    10. “The Other Side of the Wind” When Orson Welles was a teenager, he traveled to Ireland by himself, and finagled an audition at The Gate theatre, run by a fascinating guy named Micheál MacLiammóir (eventually a...