
  • The Natural-Born Movie Star: Burt Reynolds, 1936-2018

    by - Sep 8, 2018
    The children of the 1970s will remember the laugh: Burt Reynolds’ laugh. No movie star had ever laughed like that before. It was rambunctious and boyish, and a lot higher pitched than you’d expect from a broad-shouldered former football player with...
  • Showtime’s Kidding Takes Us to Jim Carrey’s Melancholy Neighborhood

    by - Sep 7, 2018
    Jim Carrey positions himself as a modern Fred Rogers in “Kidding,” a return to big lead roles for the comedy legend. But whereas the current Mr. Rogers documentary renaissance of “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” and “Mister Rogers: It’s You...
  • The Predator

    by - Sep 7, 2018
    Shane Black’s “The Predator” is a fun, brutal, fighting machine that wastes no time getting down to business—not unlike its title character. It’s not big on wasted dialogue or too many attempts at meta humor, playing...
  • TIFF 2018: Burning, Shoplifters, 3 Faces

    by - Sep 7, 2018
    The Toronto International Film Festival allows critics who didn’t get to Cannes to catch up on some of the biggest titles they missed on the Croisette, including major prize winners and other highly-buzzed titles. Now, with all...
  • “You Were Expecting Someone Else?” Why a Non-White James Bond is the Franchise’s Logical Next Step

    by - Sep 7, 2018
    On the heels of false rumors that Idris Elba was next in line to inherit James Bond’s license to kill, arguments for the inclusive casting of the character and against a non-white actor playing Bond have landed like...
  • Venice Film Festival 2018: The Nightingale, Nuestro Tiempo

    by - Sep 6, 2018
    When I review movies from film festivals, I like to write about the movies, not the screenings themselves. But before I tell this story I have to let you know about what kind of screening I...
  • The Nun

    by - Sep 6, 2018
    A little bit of The Nun goes a long way. With her cheekbones jutting like daggers from her chalky-white skin, her eyes a piercing yellow beneath her habit and her ravenous, bloody fangs, The Nun served...
  • Roger Loves the Toronto International Film Festival

    by - Sep 6, 2018
    The Toronto International Film Festival was one of Roger’s most cherished annual events on the moviegoing calendar. For over three decades, he attended the festivities, covering the latest enticing offerings while penning profiles of promising talents...
  • Claire Denis to be Honored at TIFF Ebert Tribute

    by - Sep 6, 2018
    I AM PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT RENOWNED FILM DIRECTOR CLAIRE DENIS will be honored at our annual Ebert Tribute Luncheon at the wonderful Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) on Monday, September 10th. I will be joining TIFF’s Artistic Director, Cameron...
  • Real-Life Heroes and Star-Driven Films at 2018 Telluride Film Festival

    by - Sep 5, 2018
    Perhaps to counter the era of post-truth and fake news, the 45th Telluride Film Festival, which wrapped yesterday on Labor Day Monday as per tradition, was chock full of movies based on cold hard facts. This...