
  • Haunted From All Sides: On the History Behind This Week’s Lovecraft Country

    by - Aug 31, 2020
    Haunted house films typically operate as endurance tests. Take John Hough’s “The Legend of Hell House,” which features mediums committing to investigate a legendary haunted manor and outlast its spirits. Or the first “Paranormal Activity,” which showed...
  • Goodbye to a King: On the Death of Chadwick Boseman

    by - Aug 31, 2020
    We asked our writers to share anything they wanted about the tragic death of Chadwick Boseman, star of “Black Panther,” “42,” “Marshall,” “Da 5 Bloods,” and more. To say his career was only getting started would...
  • Chadwick Boseman: 1976-2020

    by - Aug 30, 2020
    My writing partner in crime and fellow Ebert contributor Steven Boone and I used to joke about Chadwick Boseman’s penchant for seemingly playing practically every famous Black person in history onscreen. We wrote about his work...
  • Change How the Game is Played: On the Power of Labor and the Timeliness of High Flying Bird

    by - Aug 29, 2020
    Glance through Steven Soderbergh’s filmography, and a portrait begins to fill in of a man discouraged, disgusted, and dissatisfied by nearly all of our trusted institutions. With corporations who cover up killing us in “Erin Brockovich.”...
  • HBO Max’s Raised by Wolves is Original Sci-Fi at Its Most Polarizing

    by - Aug 28, 2020
    “Raised by Wolves” is the type of sci-fi project that deserves some respect for its ambition alone—whatever you feel from it, you have to admire its full commitment to its Biblical proportions, and the way that...
  • Mr. Soul!

    by - Aug 28, 2020
    “A complete and utter love affair with your blackness.” That’s how one of the interviewees in this incredibly enjoyable documentary describes the tenor of “Soul!” a U.S. public television arts and chat show that ran from...
  • Bill & Ted Face the Music

    by - Aug 28, 2020
    The very good cinematic news in a week when everyone could use a smile is that “Bill & Ted Face the Music” is essentially all it needed to be. It’s a long-awaited sequel that doesn’t betray...
  • Finding the Meaning of Tenet: On Watching the First COVID-19 Era Blockbuster

    by - Aug 28, 2020
    The following piece contains no plot spoilers; it offers a general discussion of the themes of “Tenet” and reflects on the experience of watching the film during the COVID-19 pandemic. The cultural significance conferred on Christopher...
  • We Were Part of a Revenge Squad: Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady on Love Fraud

    by - Aug 27, 2020
    “If the Evangelicals vote, they determine the election,” said pastor Ted Haggard while flashing a smile in Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady’s Oscar-nominated 2006 documentary, “Jesus Camp.” That same year, the virulently anti-LGBT+ pundit was outed...
  • Class Action Park

    by - Aug 27, 2020
    “Class Action Park” is a sharp, funny, and bizarrely responsible documentary about an amusement park in Vernon, New Jersey that inexplicably hurt a lot of people. That recklessness was part of the fun—you could risk whiplash...