
  • Critical Thinking

    by - Sep 4, 2020
    In the press materials for “Critical Thinking,” producer Carla Berkowitz drops this line about her reaction to reading the true story that inspired the film: “The image and story was haunting and I felt like I...
  • The Owners

    by - Sep 4, 2020
    Perhaps because we all secretly dread the thought of having to defend ourselves in our own domain one day, the fiendish subgenre of the home invasion thriller will never run out of reasons to exist. The...
  • Mulan

    by - Sep 4, 2020
    Its origins date back centuries, and its animated predecessor is beloved within the ‘90s Disney canon, but the latest version of “Mulan” couldn’t be more relevant, vital, and alive. Director Niki Caro’s live-action take on the...
  • Love, Guaranteed

    by - Sep 3, 2020
    “Love, Guaranteed” is the kind of movie you leave on the TV because you’re lying on the couch with a cold, and the remote control has fallen off the blanket onto the rug, and you don’t...
  • Netflix’s Away Sends Hillary Swank to Mars

    by - Sep 3, 2020
    Netflix’s “Away” is the kind of heartfelt melodrama that can end an episode in which a protagonist is literally in outer space with Van Morrison’s “Into the Mystic” and just barely get away with it. On...
  • A.P. Bio Moves from NBC to Peacock with Third Season

    by - Sep 2, 2020
    Who doesn’t love a resurrection story? There’s something intriguing about show with a loyal fan base getting suddenly pulled from the brink of extinction and given a second chance to find a larger audience. After two low-rated seasons...
  • I Should Feel Something: On Space and the Unknowable Self in Ad Astra

    by - Sep 2, 2020
    “Why go on? Why keep trying?” Our world is not enough. For centuries, we have longed for space—to immerse ourselves in its vast expanse, and to lay claim upon it. “It is a beautiful and delightful...
  • Fantasia 2020: Come True, The Dark and the Wicked, Time of Moulting, Unearth

    by - Sep 2, 2020
    Anthony Scott Burns’ world premiere film “Come True” is one of the true standouts of this year’s festival, for all of its ambition, confidence, and creativity in telling a story about a haunted sleep study. At first...
  • Robin’s Wish

    by - Sep 1, 2020
    Early in “Robin’s Wish,” a documentary about the life and death of Robin Williams, one of the actor’s friends speaks dismissively of the idea of the “sad clown” who’s laughing on the outside but crying on the...
  • Children of the Sea

    by - Sep 1, 2020
    People are mostly relatable as objects in the Japanese animated fantasy “Children of the Sea,” the latest maximalist spectacle from the animators at Studio 4C. That’s mostly because the film’s world is meant to reflect both its...