
  • Netflix’s Lupin is the First Great Show of 2021

    by - Jan 6, 2021
    With a muscular 6’ 3” frame, gentleman thief Assane Diop (Omar Sy) shouldn’t fade into the background. But as a Senegalese immigrant living in Paris, he does. Ever since his father’s incarceration—accused of stealing a priceless...
  • Coyote Has Unpredictable Journey to CBS All Access

    by - Jan 6, 2021
    Befitting its subject matter, “Coyote” has already had an unusual journey. Once planned as a weekly, ten-episode series for the Paramount Network, it was shut down for the pandemic at six episodes, which will now premiere...
  • The White Tiger

    by - Jan 5, 2021
    The films of Ramin Bahrani invite us to trespass into liminal space, and his sympathies are with the outsiders threatened to be left behind by those transitions. For the majority of his career, the first-generation Iranian...
  • Short Films in Focus: Cake Day

    by - Jan 5, 2021
    Phillip Thomas’ “Cake Day” is a universal story that’s not rooted in any specific time or place, but I imagine it’s happening in real-life now more than ever. As many people know, sobriety is its own...
  • How Greenland Shows the Exact Way to Make a Good Disaster Film

    by - Jan 4, 2021
    I wouldn’t go as far as to call “Greenland” a masterpiece but it’s certainly one of the biggest cinematic surprises in a while. It spent three weeks in theaters without much fanfare here in Mexico until they...
  • The 2020 Frontrunners for Best Director

    by - Jan 4, 2021
    The bad news about this upcoming award season is that the pandemic has kept several major studio titles out of the running. The good news is that this might be the most diverse list of possible contenders...
  • The Unloved, Part 85: By the Sea

    by - Jan 1, 2021
    As everything in the film industry is being scrutinized by scared studios or changed to accommodate a fundamentally changed public, a few things are still being addressed at a snail’s pace. Sexism, for one, still hasn’t really...
  • Sing Me a Song

    by - Jan 1, 2021
    The teacher is not happy with his student. “Instead of studying,” he says, “you’re always on your mobile .” A young couple meet online and long to see each other IRL. When it happens, they sit...
  • Sometimes You Get Lucky: Composer James Newton Howard on News of the World

    by - Dec 31, 2020
    Whether you know it or not, you’ve heard a James Newton Howard score. Howard has composed music for over a hundred films, collecting a whopping eight Oscar nominations along the way. His scores are as versatile...
  • Shadow in the Cloud

    by - Dec 31, 2020
    Roseanne Liang’s “Shadow in the Cloud” is the type of genre movie that makes many of its bizarre choices just for the sake of seeing if it can all work. But whether you find the film to...