
  • NBC’s Young Rock and Kenan Sitcoms are Energetic, Familiar

    by - Feb 15, 2021
    Among the many storylines of “Into The Crevasse,” a fourth-season episode of“30 Rock,” is one in which Alec Baldwin’s Jack Donaghy is desperate to keep his job. With a forced resignation looming, the Vice President of...
  • Why Harakiri is the Greatest Anti-Samurai Film Ever Made

    by - Feb 15, 2021
    Masaki Kobayashi’s “Harakiri” illustrates the samurai code as a flawed system hiding behind a façade of honor and principle—it is undeniably the greatest anti-samurai film ever made. It still hits a nerve over half a century later...
  • Lapsis

    by - Feb 14, 2021
    The low-budget, idea-driven corner of science fiction has become a crowded place recently. “Lapsis” is the latest entry worth seeing and arguing about. Written, directed, edited, and scored by Noah Hutton, and shot (by Mike Gomes) on...
  • Farewell to the Video Store

    by - Feb 12, 2021
    It’s time to say goodbye to a beloved institution. By the end of February, all Family Video stores will be closed. The announcement came early last month that they would remain open until February 28th, or...
  • Strong Ideas, Loosely Held: Director Josh Greenbaum on Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar

    by - Feb 12, 2021
    A mouse orchestra. A crab giving advice on love. A boy who sings along to Barbra Streisand and Barry Gibb as he delivers newspapers. Big musical numbers. Candy-colored oceanside architecture. Jamie Dornan. A screenplay by stars...
  • Larry Flynt: 1942-2021

    by - Feb 12, 2021
    In a section of her 2014 book Men: An Ongoing Investigation, Laura Kipnis gleefully describes Larry Flynt—who died yesterday of heart failure at the age of 78—as a “scumbag pornographer,” and subsequently condemns the major motion...
  • The Ripple Effect: Daniel Kaluuya and Chairman Fred Hampton Jr. on Judas and the Black Messiah

    by - Feb 11, 2021
    How do you capture the embers of a revolution? The transfixing “Get Out” star Daniel Kaluuya and Chairman Fred Hampton Jr. undertake such a promethean effort in Shaka King’s crime-suspense biopic “Judas and the Black Messiah.”...
  • Home Entertainment Guide: February 2021

    by - Feb 11, 2021
    10 NEW TO NETFLIX “Alexander””The Bank Job””The Blair Witch Project””Cut Throat City””Eat Pray Love””Fatima””Inception””A Monster Calls””Ocean’s Eleven””Shutter Island” 15 NEW TO BLU-RAY/DVD “Ammonite” Even in a pandemic year, there are films that do well critically at...
  • Giuseppe Rotunno: 1923-2021

    by - Feb 10, 2021
    There is an intense polarity at the heart of Italian cinema. On one side is art about the working class and on the other is forbidding, luxurious moving frescos of unspeakable wealth and privilege. Because of this,...
  • CBS’s Clarice Dilutes the Sprawling Strangeness of Its Source

    by - Feb 10, 2021
    Clarice Starling is difficult to make unremarkable, but that’s unfortunately the result of the new CBS series inspired by Thomas Harris’ iconic character from The Silence of the Lambs. Despite its mimicry of the nightmarish visual...