
  • Margot Kidder: 1948-2018

    - May 15, 2018
    I first saw Margot Kidder when “Superman” (1978) was run on two nights on network TV in the early 1980s. The first night ended with Kidder’s Lois Lane stuck on a helicopter that had crashed into...
  • Adriana Barraza and Paulina García Breakthrough in Powerfully Subdued Lead Roles

    - May 14, 2018
    Shaken out of their numbingly static existences by seemingly insignificant occurrences, the protagonists of Natalia Almada’s “Everything Else (Todo lo demás)” and Cecilia Atán and Valeria Pivato’s “The Desert Bride (La novia del desierto)” reevaluate their...
  • Cannes 2018: Stanley Kubrick’s 70mm space odyssey and Gaspar Noé’s dance party

    - May 14, 2018
    Before Sunday night, it was tempting to wonder whether Cannes Film Festival remembered how to project film. Digital has been the standard format at Cannes for at least a decade, and the rare movies that have...
  • Cannes 2018: 3 Faces, Happy as Lazzaro

    - May 14, 2018
    It’s an early Sunday morning in Cannes, and the town exudes a rare aura of calm. If luck holds, it may last until midday before the normal noise and craziness kicks in. The quiet of the...
  • Cannes 2018: Ash is the Purest White, Girls of the Sun, Girl

    - May 13, 2018
    The crowds on the sidewalks of the rue d’Antibes, the main drag of Cannes, were treated to a rare sight this afternoon. A wedding party formed a slow impromptu parade down the narrow street, horns blowing,...
  • Cannes 2018: Christopher Nolan Makes His First Appearance at the Festival

    - May 13, 2018
    Speculation on whether Christopher Nolan would ever come to Cannes has persisted for years. Would he bring “Inception”? How about a Batman movie? “Dunkirk,” maybe? And it never came to pass—until now. Nolan made his inaugural...
  • Cannes 2018: Table of Contents

    - May 12, 2018
    The following table of contents contains Chaz Ebert’s complete video dispatches from Cannes 2018, produced by herself and Scott Dummler of Mint Media Works, and written dispatches by Barbara Scharres and Ben Kenigsberg.  Cannes 2018 Video...
  • Cannes 2018: The Image Book, Cold War

    - May 12, 2018
    The event of all events at today’s Cannes Film Festival was the premiere of Jean-Luc Godard’s “The Image Book.” Director of 127 films and counting, including the more recent “Goodbye to Language” in 3-D, and Film...
  • Life of the Party

    - May 11, 2018
    “Life of the Party,” about a forty-something divorcee named Deanna “Dee Rock” Miles who goes back to college alongside her daughter, is the latest Melissa McCarthy star vehicle that fails to do justice to the sheer...
  • Breaking In

    - May 11, 2018
    As “Don’t Mess With A Mother” thrillers go, I much preferred this picture to last year’s Halle-Berry-starring exercise in high-octane cinematic ineptitude, “Kidnap.” Gabrielle Union stars as Shawn, a mom of two, but she’s not the...