
  • If I Had an Emmy Ballot 2018

    - Jun 21, 2018
    Dear Emmy Voters, you have a deadline approaching and a duty to do what’s right for quality television. You have been tasked with picking the best of the 2017-18 season from the small screen, and we...
  • Home Entertainment Consumer Guide: June 21, 2018

    - Jun 21, 2018
    5 NEW TO NETFLIX “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus””In Bruges””A Star is Born””Step Up 2: The Streets””The Vietnam War” 4 NEW TO BLU-RAY/DVD “Bowling For Columbine” (Criterion) We’ve written a lot about the timing of Criterion...
  • Cinepocalypse 2018 Preview

    - Jun 20, 2018
    Dark days in the real world often call for an escape into even darker worlds in cinema. As many people are continuously startled by the world around them, from the terrifying increase in school shootings to...
  • Netflix’s Luke Cage is Stronger, Faster in its Second Season

    - Jun 20, 2018
    The second season of “Luke Cage” walks a familiar path. That path isn’t just the streets of Harlem, though they’re as much a part of the show as ever—that tired old chestnut about the city as...
  • BAMcinemaFest 2018 Preview

    - Jun 19, 2018
    The tenth annual BAMcinemaFest, Brooklyn Academy of Music’s annual independent film showcase, kicks off this Wednesday. This year’s lineup boasts a diverse array of films: acclaimed Sundance debuts like “Sorry to Bother You” and “Eighth Grade”;...
  • Taylor Sheridan’s Ambitious Yellowstone is Expansive, Unruly

    - Jun 19, 2018
    Last year’s “Wind River” saw the completion of writer Taylor Sheridan’s “frontier trilogy,” which included “Sicario” and “Hell or High Water.” Those projects, along with gaining him acclaim as a writer and later as a director...
  • Video: Share Your Empathy on Roger’s Birthday

    - Jun 19, 2018
    In celebration of Roger’s 76th birthday today, we’ve decided to highlight some of the principles that my late husband stood for and championed throughout his life. The following video includes footage from our inaugural #day4empathy on...
  • What would Roger have done?

    - Jun 18, 2018
    Roger Ebert was born on this day in 1942, and died a little over five years ago. I owe a good part of my success to reading and watching Roger, emulating as many of his lessons...
  • Video: Roger Ebert on 11th Hour

    - Jun 18, 2018
    Today, Monday, June 18, would have been my late husband’s 76th birthday. Some of the things I most admired about him were his intelligence, curiosity, and above all else, his amazing capacity to empathize with others and show compassion. The following speech was...
  • Mr. SOUL! to Screen at AFI DOCS on June 16th

    - Jun 16, 2018
    One of the most anticipated films at AFI DOCS 2018 is Melissa Haizlip’s documentary, “Mr. SOUL!”, which will screen to a sold-out audience on the evening of Saturday, June 16th, in Washington DC at the Smithsonian...