GMER for Windows

GMER for Windows

Gmer is a straightforward though potent anti-malware mechanism that thoroughly checks your computer for Rootkit exercise and risks. A tabbed toolbar with processes, modules, services, files, registries, rootkit / malware, Cmd, and autostart is included in its standard explorer interface.

For Gmer imaging:

  1. Hooks automated.
  2. Irp calls being hooked by cars.
  3. Idt is hooked by vehicles.
  4. Ssdt is hooked by drivers.
  5. locks to a hidden register.
  6. Additional data flows that are hidden.
  7. ( Mbr ) Hidden disk sectors
  8. folders that are hidden.
  9. expertise that are hidden.
  10. Modules that are hidden.
  11. Fibers that are hidden.
  12. concealed procedures.

Gmer allows you to keep an eye on the following system operations in addition to ransomware scanning: technique creation, vehicle and libraries unloading, file operations, registry entries, and Tcp or Ip connections. Gmer is a particular program that specializes in rootkit removal overall. It is a great anti-rootkit cleanser that is quick, relatively lighter, and does exactly what it says on the can.

Only Windows Nt, W2k, Xp, Vista, and 7 / 8 run * Gmer. Key: To prevent specified ransomware from detecting Gmer and preventing it from starting, the programmer has advised streaming the program with a various title.




Windows version of Gmer 2.2. 19882
size of the file:
380.93 mb.
  1. Windows 2000,
  2. Panels 2003,
  3. Xp of Windows,
  4. Windows 8,
  5. Vista, Windows
  6. Windows 10,
  7. 98th Skylights,
  8. Windows 7.
Language that are spoken:
  1. English,
  2. German,
  3. Spanish,
  4. French,
  5. Italian,
  6. Japanese,
  7. Polish,
  8. Chinese
most recent change:
March 14, 2023, Monday