Parted Magic for Windows

Parted Magic for Windows

The Parted Magic Os can easily manage partition things because it uses primary Gparted and parted initiatives. It offers a fantastic collection of comprehensive folder program gear.

The second file systems are supported by Parted Magic: linux-swap, ntfs, real estate managers, regulators4, and ext4 fat16, fat32.

Included in the critical features are:

  1. Configuration hard pulls, both internal and external.
  2. walls on challenging drives can be moved, copied, created, deleted, expanded, or shrunk.
  3. To create a complete back-up, wipe out your hard desire.
  4. Check for looming breakdown on difficult pulls.
  5. Check your memory for errors.
  6. Get a performance rating for your personal by benchmarking it.
  7. Wipe your challenging drive empty of all details and safely delete it.
  8. entry to non-booting processes that let you recover crucial information.
  9. No installation is necessary; runs from the Cd.


Please be aware that for Parted Magic to function, it needs at least an i586 computer, 312mb of Ram, or 175mb in unrecorded. way …

Shortcomings: This edition is the most recent independent edition to be made available, and some gadgets are known to experience issues with it. You’ve’ve been informed.



Panels Parted Charm 2023.08.01
  1. Windows of Windows,
  2. Windows 7,
  3. Windows 10, etc.
  4. , Windows 2000
  5. Using Windows 2003
  6. , Windows Vista
  7. 98th Panels,
  8. Windows 8,
dialects that are spoken:
  1. English,
  2. German,
  3. Spanish,
  4. French,
  5. Italian,
  6. Japanese,
  7. Polish,
  8. Chinese
most recent change:
November 28, 2023, a Tuesday
Llc, Parted Romance