Path Scanner for Windows

Path Scanner for Windows

The Path Scanner scans specific file product roads and displays 255 characters that are excessively huge or perilously close to being much. A list of lines with specific length is created by the app. The listing you been exported to Csv after the test, where it can again make opened in Microsoft Excel or a different program.

Long submit lines on your computer or host can be found using the amazing and quick folder detector Path Scanner.

Document lines supported by the application are Unc. All units besides Windows Xp you function it because it uses Microsoft Framework 2.0.


There are several uses for a direction scanner. You need to have intermediate to advanced Computers ability to comprehend and use the app’s’s capacities because it can only be run through the Windows” Command Prompt utility.”

Overall, Path Scanner is a great tool for administrators or users who require assistance locating lengthy Device or waiter file paths. It can be challenging for inexperienced users to access all the features of the game because it lacks a Gui and has specialized benefits.



Windows Path Scanner
Size of the file:
389. 61 kb
  1. Upgrades of Skylights
  2. Windows 7.
  3. Windows 10.
  4. , Windows 2000
  5. Using Skylights 2003
  6. 98 Windows,
  7. Vista, Windows
  8. Windows 8.
Dialects that are spoken:
  1. English,
  2. German,
  3. Spanish,
  4. French,
  5. Italian,
  6. Japanese,
  7. Polish,
  8. Chinese
adaptation test
most recent up-date:
14th of July 2023, a Friday
Applications for Parhelia