PDF Compressor V3 for Windows

PDF Compressor V3 for Windows


A densification tool for documents with Pdf formatting is called Pdf Compressor V3. With it, Pdfs you be shrunk and reduced in size while still retaining the highest possible appearance reliability.

The resolution of the pics included in Pdfs can be changed with the help of Pdf Compressor V3’s’s intelligent densification engines. Applying the Compressimages way, it you deform pics while maintaining the highest possible good while reducing portrait shape.

Characteristics that matter:

  1. The size of Files you be drastically decreased by removing all imagery.
  2. A straightforward line streak regulate can be used to change the resolution and image excellence from 0 to 100.
  3. Get rid of pointless posts.
  4. turning Pdf files to Grayscale appreciably reduces the size of those paperwork.
  5. For quick internet showing, import your files as Pdfs with linearization.
  6. supports the compression of three documents.
  7. Advertisement


    Windows version of the Pdf Compressor V3. 6. 6.
    Size of a file:
    28. 64 Kb
    1. , Windows 2000
    2. Using Windows 2003
    3. Upgrades of Windows,
    4. Skylights 8, etc.
    5. Windows Vista,
    6. 98 Windows,
    7. Windows 7.
    8. Windows 10,
    Cultures that are spoken:
    1. English,
    2. German,
    3. Spanish,
    4. French,
    5. Italian,
    6. Japanese,
    7. Polish,
    8. Chinese
    edition in test
    most recent revision:
    December 5th, 2023, a Wednesday
    converter for Pdf
