The Unloved, Part 77: In the Heart of the Sea

A funny thing happens sometimes when you put a film into Final Cut and start skimming it for clips to use in these video essays: You see the stills so small and either the movie doesn’t work or the clarity and purpose behind each of the images assails you like a burst of light. That’s what happens with most of the films I do for the Unloved and it reminded me why I love “In The Heart of the Sea,” even if it’s one of the more conventionally written, edited and performed films of the 2010s. It’s the way it speaks to your eyes that makes it important to me. And right now, there’s little that matters to me quite like a beautiful picture of sights I cannot see with my own eyes.  The” class=”redactor-linkify-object”>″>T… Unloved – In The Heart of the Sea from Scout” class=”redactor-linkify-object”>… Tafoya on Vimeo.