StyleCop for Windows

StyleCop for Windows

A set of Microsoft’ Framework Design Guidelines can be enforced using Stylecop, an obtainable supplier static computer code analysis device.

In contrast to Fxcop, which codification meetings in place of base script and enforces a different set of rules through the analysis of the script script, stylecop is able to do the same.

The following groups are used to categorize the standards:

  1. Documentation.
  2. Layout.
  3. Maintainability.
  4. Naming.
  5. Ordering.
  6. Readability.
  7. Spacing.


By opening any C # task and pressing on it with the right mouse button, Stylecop is visualized. Two recipes in the project may be visible from around; one helps you choose the standards, and the other executes these rules on the C # undertaking.

The tool is available for use within Visual Studio or as an Msbuild task integration. Numerous third-party advancement tools have additionally incorporated Stylecop.

The tool is available in both Gui and command-line versions in * Stylecop.



For Windows, Stylecop 4. 7. 51
Size of the file:
4.53 Kb
  1. Windows 98,
  2. Windows 8.
  3. Windows Xp,
  4. 2003 Skylights,
  5. Windows 7.
  6. Windows Vista,
  7. Windows 10, etc.
  8. Using Windows 2000
Languages that are spoken:
  1. English,
  2. German,
  3. Spanish,
  4. French,
  5. Italian,
  6. Japanese,
  7. Polish,
  8. Chinese
most recent change:
April 7, 2023, a Thursday
Company for Stylecop development