An ape for Dos that makes use of the Sdl libraries is called Osbox. Due to this, Dosbox can be exported to numerous systems with ease. Beos, Linux, Macos X, and Windows have all successfully ported Dosbox.
For excellent sound compatibility with older games, Dosbox also emulates the Cpu: 286 / 386 realmode / protected mode, Directory Filesystem / Xms / Ems, Tandy / Hercules / Cga / Ega / Vga-vesa graphics, and Soundblaster / Gravis Ultra Sound card.
The Dosbox emulation is excellent and you run a wide variety of traditional video games from the past. The learning curve is extremely steep, making it a little challenging for beginners to understand. In addition, it’s’s a fantastic way to play many classic games that can’t be played on modern computers!