My Friend Has $250 to Spend at Nordstrom—These Affordable Items Are the Chicest

My friend recently texted me that she received a $250 gift card from Nordstrom as a present. She often enjoys it when I make shopping edits for her (which comes with the territory as a fashion editor), so she asked if I’ve seen anything at Nordy that would be worth adding to her wardrobe. Naturally, I had a range of items bookmarked from market research.I ended up sending her four items that I think she’d like best. If you keep scrolling, you’ll find the pieces that I think are chic and versatile (the first four below). If you, dear readers, are looking for even more shopping inspiration, I also rounded up all of the other fall Nordstrom items I’m loving. I’m talking about everything from jackets to denim to knits to skirts. Enjoy.So much yes to this chunky knit.A sharp skirt that’s highly versatile.Chic. Period.Gorgeous color.That neckline.These baggy jeans hit.Can’t go wrong with a relaxed blazer.Picture this dress with your favorite boots.Just easy.A favorite for so many.You just might want to live in this sweater.Adore a maxi skirt with a chunky knit.Another strong blazer option.Chic with knee-high boots.This jacket looks very expensive.I had to show the back of this sweater.Stunning silhouette.The contrast seaming!Sleek.Can you tell I love a chunky knit?And look at this one!Cool cargo pants.Pretty.Talk about cozy.Pretty with the ruffles.Very of the moment.Elevate those looks.Just a good turtleneck.You’ll get so much wear out of this dress.Perfect fall hue.Next, check out more chic pieces.This post was previously published and has since been updated.