Everyone has that one item they can’t stop buying no matter how many versions they already have. For some, it’s shoes, for others, it’s bags or accessories. For me, it’s white T-shirts. I recently went to clear out my closet and realized that my dresser drawers were bursting with repeats of the same classic basic. Somewhere along the way, I became a low-key hoarder of them and when I finally sat down to gut my closet, I got the chance to reevaluate the many iterations I’ve collected over the years. A number of them went straight to the donation pile but the few that went back into their places are what I’m considering the best white T-shirts in the game.I’ve decided that each of the versions below are worthy of their spot in my closet because they fulfill a specific category of T-shirt. Whether it’s the vintage tee that’s perfectly worn in and soft or the sculpting tee that rivals my actual shapewear, my collection of white tees has been well vetted. Ahead, I’m taking you through each of them and explaining why I think they’re the best of their kind (with the mirror selfies to show for it).Wearing: Madewell Whisper Cotton Rib-Crewneck Tee ($20); Wilfred by Aritzia Effortless Pants ($148); Koio Bari Loafers ($298); Necklet Triple Layering Clasp ($42), Maldives Chain ($48), and Snake Chain ($32). Whisper is right. I’d been eyeing Madewell’s top-selling tee for a while now, but after trying it out I can honestly say it lives up to the hype. It’s lighter-than-air feel is so comfortable.I appreciated how the material looks semi-sheer but doesn’t actually show anything underneath. The best of both worlds.Wearing: Re/Done Heritage Cotton Classic Tee ($95); vintage pants; Necklet Triple Layering Clasp ($42), Maldives Chain ($48), and Snake Chain ($32); ARSN Your Rolex Doesn’t Impress Me Ring ($58). I’m such a sucker for vintage staples, and Re/Done’s Heritage tee gets a 10/10 in my book. It’s slightly boxy and has that soft worn-in feel that I usually only find from digging through a rack of thrift tees.Note how the color isn’t a true white which gives it a lived-in look.Wearing: Mother Rowdy Bright White Tee ($95); vintage skirt; Elleme Cache Cache Mules ($405); Necklet Triple Layering Clasp ($42), Maldives Chain ($48), and Snake Chain ($32). On the other hand, this is my favorite for a fresh-out-of-the-packaging look. It makes sense that a denim brand as beloved as Mother would offer the perfect tees to accompany its jeans and this one is boxy, oversize perfection.It’s all in the name: This tee is crisp and bright white.Wearing: Express Body Contour Cropped Crew ($24); Wilfred by Aritzia Effortless Pants ($148); Koio Bari Loafers ($298); Necklet Triple Layering Clasp ($42), Maldives Chain ($48), and Snake Chain ($32). I’ve never had the urge to describe a tee as polished until I tried this cropped tee from Express. It’s like your favorite pair of compression leggings—it sculpts, lifts, and smooths everything out for one pulled-together look. I’ll definitely be buying multiple.I love how expensive it looks with tailored trousers.Wearing: Lacausa Frank Tee ($48); Agolde Pinch Waist Jeans ($198); Koio Bari Loafers ($298); Necklet Triple Layering Clasp ($42), Maldives Chain ($48), and Snake Chain ($32). I’ll tell anyone who will listen about my love for Lacausa’s Frank Tee. It’s somewhere in between a baby tee and classic fit—slightly shrunken but not tight—plus, it’s feather-light. I wear mine at least twice a week.Another look at the tissue-thin texture.Wearing: Good American Essential Boyfriend Crew ($39); vintage Levi’s; Elleme Etoile Heels ($405). Peak comfy—that’s how I’d describe Good American’s Essential Boyfriend Crew. Made from a weighty fabric, it’s got a wide cut and longer hem that’s perfect for doing a half-tuck like I did here with jeans or wearing over bike shorts or leggings.I like the off-white tone of this one.Wearing: Cotton Citizen Classic Tee ($65); Levi’s Ribcage Bootcut Jeans ($98); Jenny Bird Stevie Necklace ($140). Cotton Citizen has cool loungewear down to an art form, so it’s no surprise that its T-shirts are equally as good. Its Classic Tee has remained a fixture in my wardrobe for years now, sticking it out through multiple apartments and countless closet cleanouts, which I think speaks for itself.I love this one so much I have it in black, too.Last, but definitely not least. Whatever your thoughts on Brandy Melville are, you can’t deny that its basics are surprisingly good. The baby tees, in particular, are perfectly shrunken and so comfy. Judge me if you want for shopping there, but I’ve never been more satisfied.That ribbing, though.The perfect tee to wear with leggings and bike shorts.This is sitting in my Nordstrom cart.You can always count on The Frankie Shop for the fashion girl approach to basics.Cool without trying.Don’t sleep on Agolde’s basic tops.A ’90s classic.Cropped, but not too cropped.A basic that doubles as a going-out top.Next: The Non-See-Through White T-Shirts We Swear By