With the conclusion of the 20th Roger Ebert’s Film Festival (Ebertfest), we’ve gathered all of our coverage on this past week’s panels, guests and film presentations. Included is the work of Chaz Ebert, Brian Tallerico, Nick Allen, Matt Fagerholm, Peter Sobczynski and our three Ebert Fellows, Niani Scott, Madeline Galassi and Tyler Panlilio. Ebertfest 2018 Guests: Part I Ebertfest 2018 Guests: Part II Dear Roger: I Can’t Believe Our Film Festival is Twenty Years Old! by Chaz Ebert Ebertfest 2018 Guests: Critical Mass Ebertfest 2018, Day 1: Year 20 Starts with a Modern Action Classic by Brian Tallerico Ebertfest 2018, Day 2: Critics Panel, ‘Interstellar,’ ‘Selena,’ ‘Belle’ by Nick Allen Ebertfest 2018: Eight Things I Learned about ‘Belle’ from Amma Asante by Ebert Fellow Niani Scott Ebertfest 2018, Day 3: ‘Columbus,’ ‘A Page of Madness,’ ‘American Splendor’ by Peter Sobczynski Ebertfest 2018: Ten Things I Learned from Kogonada about ‘Columbus’ by Ebert Fellow Tyler Panlilio Ebertfest 2018: Nine Things I Learned About ‘A Page of Madness’ by Ebert Fellow Madeline Galassi Ebertfest 2018, Days 4 & 5: ‘Daughters of the Dust,’ ‘The Big Lebowski,’ ’13th’ and More by Matt Fagerholm